About Pre-Disaster Mitigation Planning
Utah is vulnerable to natural and technological (human‐caused) hazards that threaten the health, welfare, and security of our citizens. The cost of responses to and recovery from potential disasters can be substantially reduced when attention is turned to mitigating their impacts and effects before they occur.
The purposes of this Plan are (1) identify threats to the community, (2) create mitigation strategies to address those threats, (3) develop long‐term mitigation planning goals and objectives, and (4) to fulfill federal, state and local hazard mitigation planning obligations.
Planning Process
This updated Plan was prepared by the Weber County Emergency Services staff and consultant (Rural Community Consultants), with support from the planning committee, and other local and state personnel. Additional county and municipal agencies that have aided in the planning process include; city and county geographic information systems (GIS) departments, elected officials, local officials, emergency managers, fire, planning departments, public works departments, and local governmental agencies.
The planning process was based on Section 322 requirements of the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 (DMA 2000) and supporting guidance documents developed by FEMA and the Utah DEM.
Emergency managers, fire and sheriff departments, state and local agencies, business leaders, educators, non‐profit organizations, private organizations, and other interested members that could be affected by a hazard within the region or other interested members, need to be a part of the planning process. Most importantly, public involvement opportunities are available throughout the development of this Plan. Interaction is best done through this website and will be solicited with social media campaigns and public meetings.
Planning Process Steps
Step 1: Organize Resources
Step 2: Planning Process Timeline
Step 3: Public Officials Outreach
Step 4: Establish Continuity in the Planning Process
Step 5: Data Review and Acquisition
Step 6: County Hazard Identification and Profile
Step 7: County Vulnerability Assessment
Step 8: Review Existing Local Mitigation Actions
Step 9: Form Local Working Groups
Step 10: Risk Assessment Review
Step 11: Mitigation Strategy Development
Step 12: Prioritization of Identified Mitigation Strategies
Step 13: State Review
Step 14: Adoption (DECEMBER 2023 = COMPLETION GOAL)
Project Roadmap
Project Roadmap
About the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000
The purpose of the Stafford Act, as amended by the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000, is “to reduce the loss of life and property, human suffering, economic disruption, and disaster assistance costs resulting from natural disasters.”
Section 322 of the Act specifically addresses mitigation planning and requires state and local governments to prepare multi-hazard mitigation plans as a precondition for receiving FEMA mitigation project grants.