The links below will take you to the working documents of the 2022-23 Pre-Disaster Mitigation Update.  These files are ‘living’ in the sense that suggestions for changes can be made by anyone.  These edits and suggestions will be discussed with the relevant emergency managers and others on the planning team.

You are invited to view and comment on any of the documents below. Your comments will be saved automatically.

All data sources need to be cited correctly.  Please refer to the “Library” page of this site in order to upload files that need to be included in this Plan.

Proposed Content

Executive Summary

Part I. Introduction

Part II. Adoption Process and Documentation

Part III. Planning Process

Part IV. 2016 Mitigation Goals and Objectives Review

Part V. 2021 County Mitigation Strategies, Objectives, Actions

Part VI. 2021 Stakeholder Mitigation Strategies, Objectives, Actions

Part VII. County Geographic Setting

Part VIII. Capabilities Assessment

Part IX. Risk Assessment

Part X. Specialized Local Districts

Part XI. Plan Maintenance and Implementation

Appendix A. Environmental Considerations

Appendix B. General Mitigation Strategies

Appendix C. Hazard Histories

Appendix D. Critical Facilities

Appendix E - Glossary of Terms

Appendix F - Works Cited

Appendix G - Stakeholder Participation

Appendix H - Stakeholder Support